19 January 2018

Study P2 Corporate Reporting

Assalamualaikum,hello readers!

Saya ada dapat comment yang minta saya share tips study untuk paper P. Insyaallah,saya akan buat untuk paper P terus dan terpaksa skip paper F. Sebab paper F dah berlalu terlalu lama dan saya sendiri dah lupa apa tips yang saya guna untuk study dulu.

Post kali ni saya akan ke P2 dulu sebab alhamdulillah saya baru pass paper P2 exam december 2017 lepas. Walaupun tak strong pass (>75 ke atas) tapi asal pass sudah hehe. Jadi ini antara tips yang saya rasa insyaallah akan dapat bantu korang pass P2 juga dengan jayanya. Amin.

So how to study P2?

1) Memorize all the standards!! Ini sangat penting sebab dia akan bagi free marks dekat kita. Saya akan hafal definition,recognition dan measurement. Tapi semestinya sebelum nak hafal tu,awak kena faham dulu standards tu pasal apa.

2) Do consol step-by-step. Ini pun sama untuk collect free marks dulu. Even kalau figure awak salah tapi awak letak item yang betul,awak akan still dapat markah sebab examiner tahu awak faham soalan tu.

3) Identify the verbs carefully to determine what standards relate to the question. Saya kadang2 blur bila tengok soalan sebab tak tahu standard apa nak guna. Jadi awak kena faham verbs dalam soalan tu.

Contoh : overhauling = std : provision

4) Underline the verb or keywords so that you don't get lose.

5) Write neatly and cross-working the answer. Kita kena mudahkan hidup examiner supaya senang dia nak bagi markah nanti.

6) If panic and you do not know what standards relate to the question,try again to find and understand the verbs! Verbs adalah segala2 nya.

7) For consol question,IF you really really don't know how to treat the standards, just leave it and move on to next question. Sebab kadang2 standard yang rare diorang tanya ni,markah dia tak banyak compared to common standards.

8) IMPORTANT! You must answer all questions even you don't know about it. Just write. Habis cikai pun tulis la juga definition,recognition and measurement. Insyaallah,ada markah.

9) For me, I will write the content of the standards first then I will apply it to the question.

10) I have a special book that I write back all the standards that I have memorize. This kind of works helps to train me to write faster and memorize at the same time.


Alhamdullilah, saya berjaya pass. Itu antara cara yang saya buat untuk dapatkan markah. Yang penting untuk P2 ni,try to get the free marks as much as you can. Sebab examiner takkan tengok figure akhir jawapan kita tapi dia akan tengok working kita. And guys, I'm sorry cause I have to skip the F paper study tips. I can't no longer remember what I've done during that time except for F5 that Imanaged to write about it last year. You can check it out here --> Study F5 Performance Management 

Hope my study tips can help you pass P2!

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